Choosing the Right Medical Sterilizer(II)

2022-02-14 Galbino

Buying guides for the medical sterilizer and autoclave

Sterilization is the implementation of a set of methods and means to eliminate all living microorganisms, of any nature and in any form whatsoever, on a perfectly cleaned object. This process is carried out using a sterilizer. It is necessary in order to prevent the contamination of patients and caregivers. In order for a medical device that has undergone terminal sterilization to be considered “sterile” the theoretical probability that a viable microorganism is present on the device must be almost zero.

What are the different classes of autoclaves?

The classification system takes into account the volume of the sterilization chamber.

With a volume less than 60 liters: these are small steam sterilizers. According to the EN 13060 standard, there are three classes of autoclaves:

-Class B autoclaves: these are the only true sterilizers in the strict sense of the word. They carry out a cycle including pre-treatment with alternating vacuum and

steam injections, a set sterilization phase and a vacuum drying phase. This class of autoclaves is the only one recommended by the EN 13060 standard for the

sterilization of medical devices.

-Class N autoclaves: these are actually steam disinfectors, used for the treatment of unpackaged devices.

-Class S autoclaves: this is a non-specific class whose indications are defined by the manufacturer.

With a volume over 60 liters: you will need to take into account the EN 285 standard for large sterilizers.

Sterilizers are used in all hospital units where devices come into contact with infectious agents. They are used in three main fields related to healthcare: hospitals,

laboratories and the dental sector. We have decided not to present bottle sterilizers in this guide as they are most often used in a home setting.

-The medical or hospital sector: hospitals generally have a department dedicated to the sterilization of soiled devices and instruments.

-Laboratories: sterilizers are used here for the treatment of glassware and other tools used in a laboratory.

-The dental field: sterilization is essential for this field. Class B autoclaves are mainly used.

What types of products can be sterilized?

Several types of products can be sterilized. Depending on the different sterilization procedures and temperatures, you can sterilize:

-Solid products: they can be wrapped or unwrapped. There will be different cycles depending on whether you are sterilizing glass, metal, plastic, etc.

-Liquid products: these are liquid products presented in containers, for example. Some sterilization processes cannot be used for liquid products such as ethylene oxide   sterilization. Sterilization of liquids is a complicated task which can take a long time. It is important to know whether the liquids to be sterilized can reach the desired       sterilization temperature of 121°C.

-Porous products: these include textiles, rubber, etc.

Which sterilizer configuration should I choose?

The configuration you choose depends on several factors such as the space available as well as the size and capacity of the sterilizer.

Space available on the premises

-Depending on the space available and access to the sterilization chamber, a distinction is made between:

·Vertical sterilizers: the sterilization chamber is accessed from the top.

·Horizontal sterilizers: the sterilization chamber is accessed from the front.

Space requirement

-Depending on the size of the work surface, you can choose between:

·Benchtop sterilizers: these are generally compact because they must be able to fit on a work surface. They are often used as a backup device within the department.

·Floor-standing sterilizers: they require available floor space and they generally take up more space.

They include high-capacity sterilizers used in central sterilization services.

Sterilizer capacity

-This takes into account:

·The quantity of materials to be sterilized per day according to the activity of the department in question.

·The pre-treatment and post-treatment phases.